Hardly Working

JavaC and JIT Compiler Optimisations

Optimization of code execution is one of the crucial aspects of any programming language, and Java is no exception. Java employs multiple levels of optimization through the Java Compiler (javac) an...

SOLID Principles in Java

When developing software applications, it’s crucial to consider the foundational principles of good software design. These principles guide the way we write, structure, and maintain our code. This ...

Ownership and Borrowing in Rust

Rust, a systems programming language developed by Mozilla, offers a unique approach to memory management through its ownership and borrowing system. These concepts, coupled with the concept of life...

Tutorial: Pluralizing String with Apache Commons

Step 1: Add Apache Commons Lang3 to your project The first step is to add the Apache Commons Lang3 library to your Java project. The latest version can be found for Maven, it is 3.12.0 at the time...

Understanding UUIDs and Alternatives

In the world of software development, unique identifiers play a vital role in various domains, from database management to distributed systems. Two commonly used types of unique identifiers are UUI...

SIMD: Single Instruction, Multiple Data

SIMD is a parallel processing technique that enables the execution of a single instruction on multiple data elements simultaneously. It leverages hardware-level parallelism to perform computations ...

Tutorial: Testing HTTP Requests with WebTestClient

Spring WebClient is a non-blocking, reactive HTTP client library introduced in Spring WebFlux, which is part of the Spring Framework. It provides a convenient way to make HTTP requests and consume ...

Understanding Java Bytecode

Java bytecode is the intermediate representation of Java source code that is executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is a low-level, platform-independent format that enables the JVM to execu...

Understanding Bit Masks

As an experienced software developer, you’ve likely encountered situations where you needed to manipulate individual bits within a larger set of data. Bit masks provide an elegant solution to this ...

Algorithmic Complexity Analysis: Big-O Notation

In the field of computer science and programming, efficiency is a crucial aspect to consider when designing and evaluating algorithms. Big-O notation, also known as asymptotic notation, provides a ...