Hardly Working

Understanding LLVM and Clang

When it comes to compiling and optimizing code, developers often encounter two popular terms: LLVM and Clang. While they are closely related, LLVM and Clang serve different purposes in the world of...

Using Git Bisect to Find the Commit Introducing a Bug

Git bisect is a powerful tool that helps you find the specific commit that introduced a bug into your codebase. By performing a binary search through your commit history, Git bisect allows you to e...

Reliable Data Recovery with Offsets in Kafka

Apache Kafka has gained immense popularity as a distributed streaming platform known for its fault-tolerant and scalable nature. Central to Kafka’s design is the concept of offsets, which play a cr...

Java Performance: JIT Optimisations and Best Practices

Java’s Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler plays a pivotal role in transforming Java bytecode into highly optimized machine code at runtime. Understanding how the JIT works and leveraging its capabilities ...

Understanding the Java Memory Model: Cache Alignment

In modern computer systems, memory access and cache utilization play a crucial role in the performance of software applications. In this article, we will delve into the concepts of cache alignment,...

Understanding the Actor Model

In the realm of concurrent and distributed computing, the Actor model has emerged as a powerful paradigm for designing highly scalable and fault-tolerant systems. Conceived by Carl Hewitt in the 19...

Unleashing the Power of Google Guava

Google Guava is a powerful open-source Java library that provides a plethora of useful utilities and extensions to the core Java libraries. It aims to simplify Java development by offering enhanced...

Introduction to Unix File Descriptors

In the world of Unix-like operating systems, file descriptors play a fundamental role in managing input and output (I/O) operations. They provide a unified interface for accessing various types of ...

POSIX: The Portable Operating System Interface

In the world of operating systems and software development, standardization is key to ensure compatibility, interoperability, and portability across different platforms. POSIX (Portable Operating S...

Understanding the Java Memory Model: Heap Allocation

Heap memory management is a critical aspect of the Java programming language, enabling the dynamic allocation and deallocation of objects. In this article, we will delve deeper into heap memory in ...