Home Understanding Java Bytecode

Understanding Java Bytecode

Java bytecode is the intermediate representation of Java source code that is executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is a low-level, platform-independent format that enables the JVM to execute Java programs efficiently. Understanding Java bytecode can provide insights into the inner workings of Java programs and help optimize their performance. In this article, we will explore how to read Java bytecode and compare two different implementations of finding a specific item in a list: one using a loop and the other utilizing the Stream API.

Syntax of Java Bytecode

Java bytecode instructions are represented as numerical opcodes, each corresponding to a specific operation. The instructions operate on a stack-based model, where operands are pushed onto and popped off the operand stack. Here is a brief overview of the bytecode syntax:

  • Instructions: Each instruction is represented by a single-byte opcode.
  • Operands: Some instructions require additional data, such as method indices, constant pool references, or local variable indices.
  • Flow Control: Branch instructions allow altering the program flow based on conditions.
  • Method Invocation: Method invocation instructions call other methods and handle the stack frame appropriately.

Example 1: Loop

Let’s begin with an example that finds a specific item in a list using a loop. Consider the following Java code:

public class LoopExample {
    public static int findItem(int[] array, int target) {
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
            if (array[i] == target) {
                return i;
        return -1;

The findItem method iterates over the array and returns the index of the target if found. Otherwise, it returns -1.

Loop Bytecode

To obtain the bytecode for the loop implementation, we can use the javap command-line tool, which decompiles compiled Java classes. Let’s examine the bytecode of the findItem method:

javap -c LoopExample.class

The bytecode for the findItem method is as follows:

public static int findItem(int[], int);
       0: iconst_0
       1: istore_2
       2: iload_2
       3: aload_0
       4: arraylength
       5: if_icmpge     22
       8: aload_0
       9: iload_2
      10: iaload
      11: iload_1
      12: if_icmpne     16
      15: iload_2
      16: iinc          2, 1
      19: goto          2
      22: iconst_m1
      23: ireturn

Let’s break down the bytecode and explain what each instruction does:

  • iconst_0: Pushes the integer constant 0 onto the stack. Initializes the loop counter variable i to 0.
  • istore_2: Pops the value from the stack and stores it in local variable i.
  • iload_2: Pushes the value of local variable i onto the stack.
  • aload_0: Pushes the reference to array onto the stack.
  • arraylength: Pops the array reference and pushes the length of the array onto the stack.
  • if_icmpge: Pops two values from the stack and performs a comparison. Jumps to the instruction at the

given index if the comparison is true (i.e., i >= array.length).

  • aload_0: Pushes the reference to array onto the stack again.
  • iload_2: Pushes the value of local variable i onto the stack.
  • iaload: Pops the array reference and the index from the stack and pushes the corresponding array element onto the stack.
  • iload_1: Pushes the value of target onto the stack.
  • if_icmpne: Pops two values from the stack and performs a comparison. Jumps to the instruction at the given index if the comparison is not equal (i.e., array[i] != target).
  • iload_2: Pushes the value of local variable i onto the stack.
  • iinc: Increments the value of local variable i by a constant value (1 in this case).
  • goto: Jumps to the instruction at the given index (i.e., the loop’s beginning at index 2).
  • iconst_m1: Pushes the integer constant -1 onto the stack.
  • ireturn: Pops the value from the stack and returns it from the method.

Example 2: Stream

Now, let’s explore an alternative implementation of finding a specific item in a list using the Stream API. Consider the following Java code:

import java.util.stream.IntStream;

public class StreamExample {
    public static int findItem(int[] array, int target) {
        return IntStream.range(0, array.length)
                .filter(i -> array[i] == target)

The findItem method utilizes the Stream API to create a stream of indices, filters them based on the target value, finds the first match, and returns it. If no match is found, it returns -1.

Stream Bytecode

Let’s examine the bytecode of the findItem method in the StreamExample class:

javap -c StreamExample.class

The bytecode for the findItem method is as follows:

public static int findItem(int[], int);
       0: aload_0
       1: iconst_0
       2: aload_0
       3: arraylength
       4: invokestatic  #2    // Method java/util/stream/IntStream.range:(II)Ljava/util/stream/IntStream;
       7: aload_0
       8: iload_1
       9: invokedynamic #3,  0  // InvokeDynamic #0:test:(I)java/util/function/IntPredicate;
      14: invokevirtual #4    // Method java/util/stream/IntStream.filter:(Ljava/util/function/IntPredicate;)Ljava/util/stream/IntStream;
      17: invokevirtual #5    // Method java/util/stream/IntStream.findFirst:()Ljava/util/OptionalInt;
      20: iconst_m1
      21: invokevirtual #6    // Method java/util/OptionalInt.orElse:(I)I
      24: ireturn

Let’s break down the bytecode for the Stream implementation:

  • aload_0: Pushes the reference to array onto the stack.
  • iconst_0: Pushes the integer constant 0 onto the stack.
  • aload_0: Pushes the reference to array onto the stack again.
  • arraylength: Pops the array reference and pushes the length of the array onto the stack.
  • invokestatic:

Invokes the range method of IntStream to create a stream of indices from 0 to array.length.

  • aload_0: Pushes the reference to array onto the stack again.
  • iload_1: Pushes the value of target onto the stack.
  • invokedynamic: Invokes a dynamic method that represents the lambda expression i -> array[i] == target as an IntPredicate.
  • invokevirtual: Invokes the filter method of IntStream with the provided IntPredicate to filter the stream based on the condition.
  • invokevirtual: Invokes the findFirst method of IntStream to find the first matching element in the stream.
  • iconst_m1: Pushes the integer constant -1 onto the stack.
  • invokevirtual: Invokes the orElse method of OptionalInt to return the value of the first matching element, or -1 if no match is found.
  • ireturn: Pops the value from the stack and returns it from the method.


Now that we have examined the bytecode for both the loop and stream implementations, let’s compare their performance characteristics.

The loop implementation uses basic loop constructs and array indexing to iterate over the array elements sequentially. It performs a linear search and returns the index of the target element if found. The loop approach is straightforward and efficient, as it avoids the overhead of stream creation and intermediate operations.

On the other hand, the stream implementation utilizes the declarative and functional programming paradigm provided by the Stream API. It creates a stream of indices, filters the elements based on the target value, finds the first match, and returns it. The stream approach provides a more concise and expressive code structure.

In terms of performance, the loop implementation is generally faster for smaller arrays or when the target element is found near the beginning of the array. This is because it only needs to iterate through a limited number of elements. However, for larger arrays or when the target element is located toward the end, the stream implementation might be more efficient due to the potential for parallel processing and early termination.

It’s important to note that the actual performance of the loop and stream implementations can vary depending on various factors, such as the size of the array, the characteristics of the target element’s distribution, and the underlying hardware and JVM optimizations.

Wrapping Up

In this article, we explored how to read Java bytecode and compared two different implementations of finding a specific item in a list: one using a loop and the other using the Stream API. We examined the bytecode for each implementation, explained the instructions and their purposes, and discussed the performance characteristics of each approach.

By understanding Java bytecode, developers can gain insights into the inner workings of their Java programs, optimize performance, and make informed decisions when choosing between different implementation strategies. Whether it’s analyzing existing code or exploring bytecode generated by other tools, bytecode comprehension is a valuable skill for Java developers seeking to improve their code efficiency and performance.

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